Many of our products will keep indefinitely and we are fully committed to steering clear of synthetic preservatives. All Lilypure Essentials items contain ingredients that are inherently antibacterial and therefore act as natural preservatives, but none of our products are meant to sit on a shelf for years waiting for someone to buy them. What makes us different from other natural products companies is that our products are made to order in small batches . . . we don't make anything until you ask for it, which means that we don't offer anything in enormous bottles or jars, but in sizes that can be used up in a reasonable amount of time with regular use.
As with any personal care product, let color and aroma (and common sense) be your guide---if any product starts to take on a strange hue or odor, it's time to replace it. You will find the shelf life recommendations on the directions label of each of our products, and on our product description page.
As with any personal care product, let color and aroma (and common sense) be your guide---if any product starts to take on a strange hue or odor, it's time to replace it. You will find the shelf life recommendations on the directions label of each of our products, and on our product description page.